Halitosis, generally known as bad breath, can be unpleasant and, in extreme situations, even make people anxious. It's understandable why store shelves are brimming with gum and mints to freshen the breath. But because they don't deal with the root of the issue, many of these products are merely band aid fixes. Hence, it becomes important to address the underlying issues that are causing bad breath. Among the factors contributing to foul breath are particular foods, medical conditions, and behaviors1.
Depending on the source or underlying cause, different people have different bad breath smells. While some people have little to no mouth odor and worry excessively about it, others have foul breath but are unaware of it.
What to Do for Bad Breath?
Review your oral hygiene routines if you suspect that you have bad breath. Consider adopting lifestyle adjustments including drinking plenty of water, using dental floss, and brushing your teeth and tongue after meals. Also, include mouthwash as an essential component of your dental care routine. Consult your dentist if your bad breath still exists after making these changes. Your dentist could suggest that you see a doctor to identify the source of the odor if they think that your bad breath is the result of a more serious condition.
Your stomach may be the source of your poor breath rather than your oral health. In fact, because it might be more difficult to recognize, isolate, and treat, stomach-related bad breath can be even more confounding than regular bad breath. However, knowing the many causes of stomach-related halitosis might help you determine whether the source of your foul breath is simply because of something you ate or something more serious.
What Causes Bad Breath from Stomach?
There are numerous reasons why the digestive system can cause bad breath. Below are some of the causes of bad breath from the stomach:
H. Pylori2
One of the most often occurring reasons of digestive system bad breath is H. Pylori. It’s a sort of bacteria that often coexists with the other bacteria in your gut microbiome, but when things go awry, it can cause major damage. About two thirds of stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers may be brought on by it. Patients with stomach cancer frequently have it found in the lining of their stomachs.
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)3
Your digestive tract may be the cause of your foul breath if you frequently get heartburn or reflux after eating particular meals, such as dairy and spicy cuisine. These acids may smell sour, which causes gaseous odors to impact your breath.
Kidney Disease4
Chronic renal disease may occasionally be indicated by poor breath that smells fishy or strongly like ammonia.
Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth
SIBO may be the source of your bad breath if you have gas, bloating, and burping. The large intestine, where digesting occurs in the digestive tract, is home to trillions of bacteria. Although the small intestine contains a much less amount of microbiota and is intended for nutrition absorption, bacterial overgrowth can occasionally occur there. Following a stomach infection, SIBO might occur in certain people. Patients with lactose intolerance or fructose malabsorption may also have issues with their gut flora. After consuming fiber, symptoms frequently get worse.
Crohn’s Disease and Celiac Disease5
Food malabsorption is a primary contributor to bad breath. Due to impaired digestion brought on by Crohn's and celiac disease, more food remains that sulfur-reducing bacteria can break down. This produces more hydrogen sulfide, which can lead to odorous burps and occasionally foul breath.
In conclusion, determining the source of stomach-related foul breath is the first step in treating it. Talk to your doctor about the possible causes of your halitosis so that you may develop a treatment strategy together that will address your particular problem. In the meantime, avoid any triggers that might seem to make your breath bad and keep a healthy mouth and continue following a proper dental care routine.