a respresenation of discoloration of tooth

Tooth Discoloration: Causes, Treatment & Prevention

Tooth discoloration is a widespread concern that impacts people of all ages. Knowing the different types and causes of tooth discoloration is essential for keeping your smile bright and healthy, food, coffee, medication or age-related changes in enamel.

Types of Tooth Discoloration

There are three types of tooth discoloration.

  1. External. If you have extrinsic tooth discoloration, the stains are probably limited to the tooth's surface, or enamel due to certain types of food or drinks as well as smoking.
  2. Internal. Internal tooth discoloration can happen due to medication, or trauma/injury to the teeth, genetics. Because this kind of stain is internal to the tooth, over-the-counter whitening treatments cannot effectively remove it.
  3. Age-related. Your teeth's enamel starts to erode as you get older, giving them a yellow tint. Age-related discolouration can frequently be brought on by both internal and external variables.

Causes of Tooth Discoloration

Certain foods and beverages have the ability to penetrate your teeth's outer layers and discolor them. Among the most frequent causes of tooth discoloration are

  • Red sauces
  • Chocolate
  • Coffee
  • Tea

Tooth discoloration can also result from using tobacco products, such as cigarettes or chewing tobacco. Smokers are more likely than non-smokers to experience tooth discoloration. Additionally, enamel yellowing may be more likely in an acidic oral environment.

Moreover, as you age, your teeth can become more brittle and allow staining or yellowing to occur. In certain cases, only the tooth that is affected will darken when dental injuries are the cause of the issue.

In addition, permanent tooth discoloration has been linked to childhood use of tetracycline antibiotics.

Color of Teeth Stains

The color of the tooth stain could also provide further insights into the causes of your tooth discoloration.

  • Individuals who chew tobacco or smoke may have yellow stains on their teeth. Moreover, red wine, coffee, and tea are among the liquids that might induce yellow discoloration. A diet heavy in simple carbohydrates, certain medication, inadequate dental care, and persistently dry mouth may lead to yellow staining too.
  • There are several reasons for brown discoloration. Among the most typical reasons are drinks, such as red wine, cola, tea, and coffee, fruits such as pomegranates, blackberries, and blueberries, untreated tartar accumulation in teeth, and smoking.
  • Your tooth may have a white area caused by a cavity that darkens in severity. White patches on your teeth can also be caused by too much fluoride.
  • Advanced dental cavity fillings and crowns using silver sulfide liquid iron supplements can also result in a black patch or stain.
  • Patients who often drink wine typically have teeth with a stronger purple undertone.

How do you treat tooth discoloration?

Teeth may be made whiter and stains can be removed or less noticeable with a variety of products and techniques. These include the following:

  • Treatment at the dentist. When using hydrogen peroxide for teeth whitening, your dentist will usually use a greater dosage than what you would find in at-home kits. When compared to alternative approaches, in-office therapy typically has faster results and longer-lasting benefits.
  • At-home treatment. Custom trays can be made by certain dentists for usage on your teeth at home. As advised by your dentist, you will apply a gel on the tray and wear it over your teeth for up to an hour each day. To see the effects, you might need to wear the trays for a few weeks.
  • Whitening Products. Whitening toothpastes and mouthwashes might be able to lighten surface stains on your teeth. With Listerine Advance White Mouthwash, you can now achieve a brighter, healthier smile while enjoying a gentler, milder-tasting mouthwash. It’s clinically proven to help give you whiter teeth in just 1 week*.

*Proven to lift and prevent tough stains.

Before using any teeth-whitening product, be sure it is safe by speaking with your dentist. Certain products may irritate the gums or cause teeth sensitivity. Additionally, remember to schedule routine tooth cleanings with your dentist. Stains and spots may frequently be made to look less noticeable with routine examinations and cleanings.

How can you prevent tooth discoloration?

Brush and floss as soon as you're done if you intend to eat or drink something colored. If that isn't feasible, you may at least partially eliminate the particles that can discolor your teeth by drinking or swishing with water or even using mouthwash.

You should use a water flosser, brush your teeth at least two times a day, floss often, and use the right toothpaste and mouthwash. Water flossers and mouth rinses are great ways to minimize those annoying, difficult-to-remove stains in between your teeth.

Do things differently. See your doctor about a quitting program if you chew or smoke tobacco. Reducing the number of meals and drinks that might discolor your teeth is another recommendation. If you find it difficult to do that, make sure you always have a toothbrush and a mouthwash on hand so you can take preventative measures to keep stain-causing materials off of your teeth.

To sum up, tooth discoloration is a frequent occurrence that can arise from several factors for individuals. In addition to tobacco products like cigarettes, cigars, or chewing tobacco, it is frequently brought on by foods and drinks that include coloring. Elevate your oral care routine with Listerine® Advanced White Milder Taste Mouthwash. Formulated with advanced whitening technology, this Listerine® Advanced White Mouthwash targets stubborn stains, leaving your teeth visibly whiter and brighter. It’s clinically proven to help give you whiter teeth in just 1 week*.

*Proven to lift and prevent tough stains.


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